⦿ Ausstellung


Via simple mechanical processes, Pascale LeBlanc Lavigne creates imprecise kinetic and sonic artworks that hence explore the matter to which pressures are applied. Despite the precariousness of their assembling, these pieces are conceived with the intention of managing to generate forms the bare a poetic echo in a transitory state which stretches between creation and destruction.

This poetry is thus amplified by the elusive movement of the machine that comes to life despite all.  With the intention of producing unexpected phenomena, LeBlanc Lavigne harness the  fragility and the flexibility of several recuperated or industrial materials such as copper rods, paper or fragile pieces of wood. Unlike an industrial machinery, the elements are linked in a totally artisanal perhaps even flippant way. In doing so, the structures are unstable, sometimes short-lived, and their movements are potentially unpredictable. It is precisely this instability that creates the event in the venues where the assembling comes to life. The uncertain rhythms of movement and sound, linked to the raw esthetics of the components, intensify the random even dangerous effect of her creations.  Thus Pascale LeBlanc Lavigne wishes her work to echo the indetermination of things and of the world in motion.



Aus Kupferstangen, Papier, Holzstückchen und anderem Recycling-Material baut Pascale LeBlanc Lavigne ihre beweglichen, klingenden Kunstwerke. Die empfindlichen Apparaturen bewegen sich oft unvorhersehbar und nicht selten am Rande des Zusammenbruchs. Je nachdem, wie viel Druck auf sie ausgeübt wird, können sich die mechanischen Konstrukte ganz unterschiedlich verhalten. Gerade, weil sie so »launisch« sind, entfalten die Werke eine ganz eigene Poesie und wirken in ihrem Schwebezustand fast lebendig.